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March week 3 mission











This week’s mission is to start a new project / create a new habit.

In astrology, vernal equinox is the starting point of the New Year. We used that zero degree of Aries energy, which is doubled up our starting engine, we start a new project, cultivate a new habit.

The moon is conjunct with Saturn in the final degree of Sagittarius, aligning with the Galactic Center, and trine with Uranus; this is a very supportive energy for us to breakthrough, innovation and implementation. Mars in Taurus trine with the North node, also support us to step out our comfort zone to grow, the kinetic energy is very wonderful.

Follow the celestial energy, we came to the third week of the third month in the game, three has a harmonious meaning, but it could be lazy down because of too harmonized.

Try to look at this week's mission as a new year new you upgrade version, we have been in 2017‘s energy for more than two months now, should been adapted enough to move up and create a new version of ourselves.

In the cycle of the earth, the spring is the beginning of the activities and sowing season, summer diligent in the irrigation, and fall is to prepare for the winter harvest reserve. In this week, Winter Recuperate officially come to an end, we have to greet the arrival of a new spring cycle.

Follow the cycle of life; in the beginning of the new project or forming new habits do not forget the impact of the cycle; the beginning may be careful, and cannot flip every day to cultivate seedlings, so it will be hard.

Understand that everything is difficult when it start, let go of Fast success illusion , respect for the rhythm of nature, so won’t be impatience, or give up in halfway.

If the mental preparation is enough at the beginning, you can properly support and nourish your new projects or new habits, such as take care of the newborns or cultivation seedlings. Make good use of Mars in Taurus nourish/protection energy, continued to move forward. Slowly plan, step by step implementation, using a fresh eyes to look at the world and yourself.

After all, we are in the brand new energy flow with spiritual expansion and system upgrades.

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